Content Sharing and Safety on Facebook


Facebook, the most popular social network in the world today. It seems like in today´s society, we all seem to think that we are free to do anything we want and post anything we want. Some people are very unaware of the consequences of the content that they post on Facebook. We are asked to agree to the terms and services of social networking sites like Facebook, but no one actually ever reads them. There are so many rules and regulations, yet we have no idea about them and just use the site. This is a huge problem and can lead to bad situations.

Unfortunately, whatever you post online stays there forever. It is in this invisible cloud and can always be traced back. It may take someone a while, but it can always be found.


I see countless pictures and videos each day of people being and doing things they obvisouly are not supposed to be doing and it gets posted becuase people think it is funny and worth sharing to the world. If privacy settings are not changed, the entire world can be exposed to that image or video. So many people do not realize this and need to take this into consideration.

Once you post something, Facebook has the right to use that content, so people need to be more aware of what they are posting and how they are posting it. The only way your content will not be used is if you  delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it. So basically, Facebook can track back and use all of your content, even things that you would think people would not want to see.

When it comes to Facebook, people really lose their common sense sometimes and have pictures of themselves or other people smoking weed, bongs, bowls, alcohol, drugs, hooking up, etc. Not only do your friends just see this, but future employers can find you too. People think they are smart by changing their names and spelling it differently, but some work places will still be able to find you regardless.imgres

Facebook contains many safety rules such as not posting pornographic pictures, no hateful speech, no bullying, etc. Yet, countless stories have been in the news recently with inappropriate pictures being posted or passed through Facebook and young teens committing suicide because of bullying and harassment. These are horrible stories to hear and it is not the Facebook´s fault, but this should be more heavily regulated. Amanda Todd is one of the more recent stories and is still being bullied, even after she already committed suicide due years of bullying and verbal abuse on Facebook.  So many inappropriate things are posted to Facebook and are never reported. There needs to be something done to try to prevent these horrible stories and tragic deaths of these young people.

Facebook´s terms are on a whole new level and it will be interesting to see what they have in store for future changes and if they will remain the most popular social network site in the world.